Private Club Relationships
I have gotten out of the habit of posting regularly. That said I apologize for the length since my last posting.
As many of you know by now, yesterday morning Walt Alloway passed away unexpectedly. Walt was a dear friend to many of us but more than that, he was truly a great man. He was active at the club in many ways including Board and Committee involvement, not to mention a fixture at the Club almost daily holding court in the Member Grill, Lounge or on the Course. He was a friend to every Member, a tremendous ambassador for the Club and his presence will truly be missed by all of us. We will fly our Club Flag at half mast Friday and Saturday upon re-opening from over-seed to remember our departed friend.
Upon reflection over the last 24 hours, it made me think of the relationships that are created at the club. It also reminded me of why I feel Clubs are so unique. Many of you have heard me speak about the Private Club Experience and my belief that a Club is all about relationships. It is about whom you know when you join, who you meet after joining and how Members can expand their circles of influence both personally and professionally while at the Club. Those reflections and remembrances reminded me of the day I started this blog following the loss of another very good Member and reminded me of my absence from posting.
My first day at Arrowhead was August 9, 2009 and I met Walt Alloway on August 10th. Since that time we have shared on numerous occasions meals, meetings, drinks and even a round of golf. We have always interacted at the Club and I may have seen him elsewhere on only a couple of occasions. The reason this is relevant is that I have always felt you can determine the strength of a relationship by the weight you feel from its loss. The strength and importance of this relationship became very clear to me yesterday as we now collectively as a Club, individually as Members and I personally mourn the loss of a Member, respected colleague and friend.
As I have additional details about memorial arrangements and the like, I will certainly pass them along.
Kindest regards,
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