Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Greens Vandalism Recovery Update 3.15.11

I will open by saying that the damaged greens (4, 8, 10, 11, 16) are improving everyday.  Since our new superintendant, TJ Guyer arrived, he has been vigilant in monitor their recovery each day for color, fill in and basic growth.  To aide in that effort, he has selected one section that he takes a weekly photograph of the area so we can compare impacted area each 7 days for specific improvement.

The next steps are as follows:  With the increased overall temperatures rearing 150 degrees combining the daytime high with the over night low, the Bermuda grass will start actively growing and responding to cultural practices.  As is visible in the areas now, the Bermuda grass is starting to break dormancy and will continue to improve at a rapid pace. As this occurs, all affected greens will receive the following:
  • Weekly Light top-dress which will improve ball roll and playability
  • Fertilization with ¼ lb of nitrogen every 3 days
  • Hand spiking damaged areas every 3 days to ensure penetration of fertilization and supplements as well as encourage lateral growth
  • Weekly needle tine aerification which improves soil penetration so air and nutrients get to the optimal growth zone as well as creating soil fractures for quicker root growth
  • Spray growth enhancer supplement every two weeks once we have the first 150 degree combined temperature.

Our challenge is #8.  It has sustained enough damage in certain areas that the recovery will surpass and acceptable amount of time left to repair itself with the above cultural practices.  The areas I am referencing on #8 are quite visible as with the Bermuda coming out of dormancy there is a 3 to 6 inch wide area that is approximately 80 feet in length where we see no color coming back.   That said, we will be removing 80 linear feet of sod from the Chipping green and installing it in this area.  Please be patient with the golf course maintenance staff as they make this repair.  This is the best way for us to repair the area as it is mature grass which has received the same agronomic practices as our other greens turf making it the most consistent surface possible with the quickest healing time.  We will repair the chipping green with cultural practices and sod purchase when it becomes available. 

Overall we are fortunate the vandalism was done right after a really cold spell which forced the Bermuda in deep dormancy creating a situation that for the most part only killed the Poa Trivialis over seed.

Upon completion of the sod removal and replacement the green will almost instantly play better and be little more than a slightly cosmetic disruption in 30 days.  If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact our golf course superintendant, TJ Guyer or myself.

Kindest regards

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